The Morrisseys took advantage of early Spring weather today to go hiking at Chickee's Creek. It was a balmy 64. That is T-shirt weather here (for those of you in TX and California who expected to see parkas on us in the pictures).

On the way back, we decided to let him do the gully again, but this time he did it alone. He nearly exploded running down the hill to meet us afterward, the story of his exploits running out of his mouth faster than his feat down the trail.
We are looking forward to many more adventures as the weather warms up.
Leslie wants everyone to know that the multiple typos (such as "feat" when I meant "feet") are not her fault.
I love the blog idea. I look forward to seeing more exploits.
If there aren't any typpoes it isn't a blog, though.
So keep em coming.
Hey Doug,
What happened to Leslie? I did not see her in any picture. Was she having a bad hair day - not that I would understand how that feels?
Also, what was Aaron doing blogging at 4:59am?
Just wondering.
That's a good question. What was I doing up at 4:59 am?
Whoa, grandfather. Look again. Leslie is at the lookout with Shannon. I am sure your granddaughter's captivating looks must have distracted you.
Love the idea. As always, enjoy seeing the pictures. What a wonderful outing. I can just imagine Aaron's excitement upon completing the climb.
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