Christmas 2008
We don't have the traditional photos of gift opening and such. But we do have a few memorable ones. First up is one of the kids eating the cookies Santa left on the mantle. They are taking very seriously Mommy's admonition not to spill any crumbs.

Here is a picture of the Aaron and Batman enjoying the movie
Prince Caspian, one of their Christmas gifts. (Actually, that isn't Batman, it's Chris proving the mask was a real hit.)

And here is a picture of Doug's broken pinky toe, aquired while waging a Nerf Gun war against Aaron. Great gift, Christal! It was a lonely two hours at the hospital. The toe was originally sticking up and out at an angle, but I think I reduced it to a satisfactory position. What do y'all think?

It does not look reduced to me.
(Test to see if this thing is on yet)
I am glad that, regardless of the toe incident, your Christmas was a happy one.
Love, Grandfather
Wear shoes!
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