Monday, February 9 - Cruise Day Two
Labadee, Haiti today! We took a boat, called a tender, to the island. It was an interesting place – all developed by the cruise line. Hammocks everywhere, volleyball courts, cafés, beautiful aquamarine swimming beaches, and a Haitian flea market. Again, we put our kids in Adventure Ocean (on the island this time) where they could explore a “pirate ship” and play in a water park. We went shopping in the Haitian flea market stalls. We had a good time haggling with the locals. One seller was incredibly multilingual, speaking about seven languages. I spoke in French with him and Doug spoke to him in Spanish! Even though they were willing to come down in their prices, they wouldn’t go as low as I would expect. They wouldn’t take ten dollars for a shirt I wanted, for instance. And I know that a lot of the items were cheap goods from Asia; one tunic I saw was identical to several our dance group bought in PA for a small price! I started wondering what kind of a deal they had with the cruise lines, since they lived on the island and ALL of the island was owned by Royal Caribbean. Hmmm. I was picturing an elaborate application process to live on the island, with those that make it enjoying relative prosperity.

Then we went Latin dancing at a bar called Boleros. Even though we thought that we didn’t know what we were doing, a crowd gathered all around the dance floor. Either we are better than we think, or we look so silly that we are entertaining!
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