Monday, September 21, 2009

Well....the latest in our cat news is this. (From Leslie)

Today when I was giving the cats some food in their cage, I was not careful enough. I had the garage door open and our big feral friend made a beeline for freedom. Ugh! So she is back in the world to make more kittens.

Cuddles, however, did not make it out. Because a kitten without a mommy is a hungry and sad one, we brought her right away to the humane league. (Yes, it is a she.) They told me that the three we brought the other day had a sad demise. She told me that if we wanted to see this one alive to go to a happy home, we needed to raise her up to two pounds before they would take her. Since she is about 3 weeks old, that will be another 4 - 6 weeks. Did we want to be foster parents?

Yes! We went to Petsmart and got kittie food, formula, bottle, litter. Doug just laughed when I told him why dinner would be late. After dinner we gave her a hot bath and picked off her fleas. She enjoyed a yummy chicken/formula slurry and is now asleep on my arm as I write this. I am smitten. Somebody is going to get a great kitten.


At 11:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe that someone is YOU! :)



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