We had a busy Christmas month. Ralph, Doug's dad came for a weekend. Then Jerry and Lois, Leslie's parents, visited for a week. Here are a few pictures of Christmas eve and Christmas day.
Here we are opening one gift each on Christmas eve.

Then, we went to the Visniski's house for a very nice traditional Polish dinner.

Christmas morning, we delved into our stockings and most of our gifts. Then, we went to the Groffs' house for a great dinner and some more gifts. These aren't exactly the three wise men, but I am glad they know where the real action is.

Inside the Groffs' living room, we were stepping all over each other opening gifts. Thank God, we are all very close in spirit! It was a great time.

My favorite story from Christmas day is Aaron's choice of gifts to play with. He must have gotten hundreds of dollars of stuff, but the thing he wouldn't put down was the dollar-store breastplate and shield he got from Caleb and the rolled-up-newspaper sword his dad made him to go with it. Maybe we could save a little next year and just get some duct tape, newspaper and a little imagination!
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