Saturday, February 14, 2009

Wednesday, February 11 - Cruise Day Four

Wednesday started out with the most incredible omelet we have ever had. Picture and smell this – light and fluffy egg, mushrooms, melted brie, smoked salmon and asparagus on the side.
Today was Grand Cayman. This was the day of our trip on the Nautilus – a nice, air conditioned boat with underwater viewing areas and a snorkeling option. It took us about an hour from cruise ship to Nautilus, but it was worth it. The cabin was wood-paneled with comfortable benches and great views. We were blessed with a majority of sunny weather, which made for good viewing! We learned a lot of new fish names, passed over two shipwrecks, and spotted a dignified-looking sea turtle.
At one point, a Nautilus worker went out underwater with fish food in his hand and the fish gathered all around him. It was quite a neat scene. Christopher was a little spooked, however. “Are the fish eating him? Are they attacking him?” was all he could talk about.
Next, it was our turn to go out and explore the ocean. Yippee! Aaron opted not to go. We were prepared for an adult to stay in the boat with Christopher, but they didn’t mind him going out so both Doug and I could get in the water! Well, it was a bit of an adjustment for our children. Christopher liked getting into the water, but he would not look underwater to save his life. He was really scared of the fish, and out of sight, out of mind. He just hung on to a life ring and we dragged him around. Shannon was the only child who did some real snorkeling, and she had a great time doing it. Doug and I also had a good time holding our breath, diving underwater in front of the windows, and making funny faces at Aaron. He laughed. It was just beautiful under there. I could have stayed out for an hour longer.

Barrel Drummers at Grand Cayman


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