Sunday, November 01, 2009

Of course, I wasn't alone in Africa. I was joining a national team assembled by Christopher Alam's Dynamis World Ministries. This team is in-country year-round running crusades and supporting local churches. They are joined by long-term self-supporting missionaries like Janie and Helen.

I was a "guest." Here I am eating breakfast at our usual haunt, Angels, with three other guests: Pastor Dennis, Stefan from Sweden and Lili from Panama and Delaware. The one you can't see is Philip from the Netherlands (he is taking the picture.)Here I am the day of the Family Fun Day eating breakfast at "Philip's Diner." I think our group of guests made a great team. I certainly enjoyed the long hours of communing with them and hearing their stories!
Here is Lili with Helen and Janie is in the back.Nothing like going Rhino hunting to bond a group together. The other two men are Trusty (our driver) and the Game Reserve Guide (holding the AK -47.)


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