The "enter" key on our keyboard is broken, thanks to a coffee spill. So, this will be just one long paragraph.
The photo uploading seems to be working. Check out the kids enjoying their spoils today. In the other one, you can see the kids looking for eggs. It was just our kids this year.

Usually we do something with the Schans. The Groffs were there, though, and we had a great meal. If you look at the picture again, you can see our crabapple tree in all its glory. Also, if you look under the swing, you can see where all my spare time and spare money went this month. Leslie wanted something under the swings to keep the kids from getting their shoes muddy. When all the options were considered, of course, she chose the playground-quality 2-1/2" thick recycled rubber tire safety mats. There are 120 square feet of them. I had a good time putting them in. It was a rare opportunity to use my DeWalt reciprocating saw (thanks, Dad). Go back to the picture again. You can see that the new neighbors have a Hummer. We are just getting to know them, so I can't tell you much about them except that they seem to like their cars alot. I wonder what they think of my 1990 Toyota Camry. I ordered the replacement keyboard for the laptop today and should be able to install it by Friday, so maybe the next entry will have paragraphs.
Good Work Doug,
Loved the Easter pictures but whoa
those baskets look pretty big and
full of goodies.
The Fu Manchu on your blog profile
photo is really the most
outstanding one I've seen since the
Charlie Chan movies.
Thanks for the link to your Blog, Doug. Great job! Who needs an Enter key, anyway.
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