This is a picture that will make Troy and Cody's hearts swell with pride, (and others' stomach wrench with worry at the same time). It is Aaron, triumphantly displaying his "kills" - the remains of two orange clay targets that he annihilated. He is also displaying the "first real gun" that he was allowed to fire. It is Doug's Gamo PT-80 air pistol, an 8-shot revolver.

Aaron fired 3 loaders (24 rounds) at 25 feet towards 2 small (3 inch!) targets. I was just hoping he wouldn't hurt himself and he was strong enough to pull the trigger. I couldn't believe he hit a target at all, well alone two!!
Shannon got a little daddy time the next day on our monthly date. We went to Eat-N-Park for lunch the last three times, but we couldn't today. So, we went for dessert at Rita's instead. Here she is displaying her chocolate frozen custard.

Afterward, we went to the dollar store to buy some hair bands and other hair paraphenalia. She got so excited about dressing up that she (gulp) asked for makeup for her next birthday. The excitement must have been contagious because she convinced Christopher to delve into the Mr. Potato Head supplies and dress up with her!

Wow, Aaron! Great shot! You are right, Doug. We are impressed! He'll fit right in down here.
However, we need to talk about the way you are raising Christopher.
Christal :)
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