Saturday, June 24, 2006

Here are some cool pictures Aaron drew. There is one for each member of the family. Can you guess which one is for which person? Answers on the next blog.

Exhibit A

Exhibit B

Exhibit C

Exhibit D

Exhibit E


At 6:58 AM, Blogger AaronS said...

Here come the guesses.
A -- Easy. That's the Pirate King. aka Doug
B -- Not so easy. I see a cherry tree. Which family member is a George Washington aficionado? I'll guess Christopher.
C -- That is a row of trees, a swing, a path. If it is the backyard then that is Leslie happy to play outside and push Aaron on the swing as high as he can go. Leslie.
D -- That is a family watching TV. I'm guessing Leslie, Doug and Christopher. I suppose Shannon has her own TV show. Therefore I guess Shannon.
E -- That leaves Aaron. Is it night time? Looks like he is going to bed after all the creative output.

Great job Aaron and rest up so we can see some more drawings. Thanks.


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