Friday, May 09, 2008

God's love for a child
Today I took Shannon, Chris, and a four-year-old named Natalie to the grocery store to load up on groceries for the week.  Yes, I know it was a crazy idea.  But you do what you gotta do.  Anyway, Shannon was in a horrible mood.  Every time Natalie or Chris would do the littlest thing, she got really angry.  "Mom, I am so angry and I don't want to be angry," she cried.  "But what can I do?"  I suggested she pray.  We prayed that God would help her to be at peace and happy and take away the anger.  Well, she just got worse.  Now she was mad that God didn't answer her prayer.  I told her that God sometimes takes a little time to answer, but that didn't help.  So we are walking through the store and she is crying, crying, crying. 
Then a nice Stauffer's employee comes up and kindly offers to give her a cookie.  "OK!" I said.  So he comes over, opening a fresh bakery box and brings cookies for all.  And they aren't the hard little kind, either.  They are the big, thick chewy cookies with big chocolate chips (I got one too).The kids quieted down and munched.  A minute later, Shannon said, "Mom, I'm not angry anymore.  I'm happy!"  She clearly saw it as a sign of God's love.  So we were able to go over to Don and tell him that he was an answer to prayer.  And to top it off, she got one of her favorite color gumballs (purple) at the end of the trip. :)


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