One More Africa trip page:
I didn't mention the main reason for the trip: the crusades at night. We had a great time. There was great worship music and dancing for about 2-1/2 hours. Then there was a short and powerful message about Jesus and an inviation to become a Christian. Hundreds responded. Finally, there was a prayer for the sick followed by testimonies of people who were healed.
Here is a sample of the dancing:
One of the healings that stuck out to me was that of my fellow guest, Philip. He has had neck problems such that sleeping wrong causes him to wake up with neck pain that typically accelarates throughout the day to a terrible headache by evening.
He brought his special pillow from Holland to South Africa, but because of weight restrictions he couldn't bring it to Zim. (The guy has such a heart of gold, he left his pillow instead of the three bags of marbles he brought for the kids!)
On the first morning, he was starting to feel his typical neck pain again and was genuinely worried his whole trip would be marred by headaches. So, Pastor Dennis and I prayed for God to heal his neck. I think I asked him every day and he never got neck pain or a headache again. Praise God!
Wow, that's awesome!!!! Neck pain gone!! I love the doctor dancing. So fun. Thanks for sharing.
You Rock, Doug! Some amazing dance moves, there!
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