As you can see, the enter key is working again. Actually, I replaced the whole keyboard. It was only $25 online and "do-it-yourself." Amazing.
Make sure to visit one of my favorite sites, the home page of Dr. Walter Williams at George Mason University. He does a superb job of explaining economics to the lay reader (like me).
Here is a picture of Shannon with one of her friends. Leslie arranges play dates for the kids' friends to come over on a regular basis. Beside that is a photo of Aaron as some superhero (or super-villain -- I can't tell).

I have been spending a good part of the week purchasing and arranging for a new computer at work with a laser printer. This one is to house all my patient education and forms and scholarly articles. I think it will work much, much better to view the articles on the computer and print the forms and handouts as needed, than to use our current paper file system.
An EMR would do all these things, but it will still be a while before we get that up and running and I can't wait. Besides, if it works well it will be another selling point for getting an EMR.
Doug and Leslie - I love reading about your adventures (everyday or otherwise). It makes me feel you're not so far away. I would love to see you at Dad's 90th birthday party on July 29th (your Dad and Christal will be here).
Take care and God bless you all.
Aunt Margie
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