A personal page to allow friends and family access to our pictures, thoughts and events.
Monday, September 25, 2006
The Morrisseys are really loving their new house! Here is a picture of Shannon and Christopher riding bareback on a lion in the kitchen.

Shannon drew a picture of her family at school. Notice who is in the middle. She is soooo much like my sister Christal. :)

Aaron made a friend next door. Here he is eating lunch with the new friend.

Aaron got bored or uncomfortable or something and left. So, Shannon had her first lunch date. Yikes!

By the way, did you notice the cool swing set? We salvaged it from the old house. Piece of cake. (A 500 pound piece of cake that takes 3 men 5-1/2 hours to move across town.)
Monday, September 18, 2006
Some of you already know my nickname, dating back to high school football is Mad Dog. Here is a picture Leslie and I recently discovered by the Oaxacan painter Tamayo called "Mad Dog." It is now my official logo.

Maybe I am delirious from staying up until 1 am for two weeks solid. However, the house is coming together nicely. The in-laws (Hansons) come to visit Thursday. We are trying to get the place ready by then. Once they get here we can relax and sleep. And maybe I will blog some photos again.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Powerful Message....(may take a moment to load) Or you may need to copy and paste it to your browser.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Christal sent a link to an amazing comedy routine a while ago. It is called Evolution of Dance. We laughed HARD. You will too, if you've ever enjoyed dancing in public (or watched too much MTV as a youngster). I got the itch to send it after we included the link to the fabulous Diet Coke and Mento fountain show. Here it is.
How do you get time to watch these videos and blog, you might ask? Aren't you always talking about how busy you are with your new house? The answer is yes. But you can't stop having fun after the daily work is done. Leslie
Friday, September 08, 2006
Aaron absolutely loved his first day at school. Here are a few shots of him.
Outside our house, sporting his new backpack (actually, Leslie's old backpack from medical school).

Here are the kids together before they walked Aaron to the bus stop. Aaron is a "walker" - he can ride the bus to school, but he is supposed to walk home (7 blocks!) This is posing a logistical problem for Leslie. He is supposed to walk home from school during Shannon and Chrisopher's naps. Today, Tess Connville stopped by to deliver a meal and offered to stay with the kids while Leslie picked Aaron up. Who knows how the Lord will provide Monday?

Sniff... there goes mommy's big, brave son. Off to conquer the world!

Howdy, folks. Sorry we haven't blogged in a while, but we were busy moving. We are now in our new house! If you need our new address or email address, leave a post and I will get back to you.
Here is a great picture of all of us practicing saying "bubble." Christopher could only say "mummle" until his speech therapist taught him to pinch his nose. Don't worry. Later surgery will allow him to say "bubble" with no hands.

Unpacking is a great opportunity to play with fun stuff.

Here is a picture from the past we just received from someone. Fun memories.