Saturday, April 26, 2008

Our recent garage sale was a smashing success. We had a lot of fun clearing our house of all things toddler and seeing many neighbors and friends. We opened at 7 am but had quite a few people showing up at 6:30.

My favorite quote was Leslie saying how it had been so much work already, she could hardly believe it was only 8:15. At that point, I looked at my watch and corrected, her: "Honey, it's actually 7:15." Yup, we had been "open" for all of 15 minutes.

To raise money for a Bible school in Bolivia, Shannon sold brownies, Aaron sold coffee and Chris... looked cute.

Shannon looked cute, too.

Not everything was necessarily as advertised.

As a frugal mom, I often recycle containers to hold various collections of things.  Well, yesterday I took the kids to the shoe store and Shannon said, "Look at all the crayon boxes!"

Friday, April 18, 2008

Chris was being very sweet the other day.  He said to me, "Mommy, you have beautiful eyes.  You have beautiful hair. You have beautiful ears."  Then he added, "You have yucchy feet."
I've been doing some yoga lately, which I have really enjoyed.  All of the different poses are great for strengthening and balance.  And the poses have various names, like warrior one, sphinx, happy baby, tree, etc.  I thought of a new one to help me in my later years - shave in the shower.
OK, I have experienced a lot as a mom, but just yesterday motherhood went to new lengths.  Shannon and I were making brownies for the yard sale, and something told me not to let her try using nonstick cooking spray on the bottom of the pan.  I ignored it.  Soon I was nailed point-blank in the face, a beautiful misty cooking spray coating my face, hair, and whole torso - like I had just been in an oil shower.  Anyone ever been there with me?

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Aaron started his game today with a fancy display of footwork and his trademark all-over-the-field hussle. Sorry for the camera shakes, Chris had a bad cough today.

Friday, April 11, 2008

  Anybody want to see something amazing that animals can do?  These elephants can paint!  Great clips for kids:

Sunday, April 06, 2008

It is soccer time again.

Aaron eventually scored a few goals, but here is an early play that shows he is still the most aggressive guy on the field. It was hard to contain my pride as he ran around stealing balls blocking shots and scoring goals like a small pale Pele.

Easter Egg Hunt

Also Easter Egg Hunt

Aaron's still life was chosen to display at the Lititz Hospital. They choose one child per grade from each school.

Grandfather visited just in time to bask in the glory with us.

We had a wonderful time all weekend with Grandfather!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

I have been a little lax about blogging lately. But when Shannon showed me this artwork she made, I knew I needed help. Do you think she was going for cubism or fauvism? Or is this more of a Cezanne or Matisse imitation that would predate true modern painting? Thanks for your help!