Sunday, May 31, 2009

On Graduation Day from preschool, Chris showed his affection for his many friends.

We went to a nearby wolf sanctuary.Everyone has been getting restless for a dog. But we won't be ready to buy one until next Spring. So we borrowed Ginger from the Brown family for a weekend.

Anniversary Weekend

A beautiful Swiss Bed & Breakfast for 2 nights away from the kids. That is a way to celebrate 15 years of blissful marriage.

They had beehives. We bought some of their honey.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Today Shannon was trying to convince me to let her keep her room messy.  She was not making much headway, so she said, "Just a second!" and ran away.  She returned with a stool and a plastic cup.  Standing on the stool in front of me, she continued to debate the issue, making sure to speak into the cup for a more important voice.  Although it was in vain, it was certainly a valiant effort on her part!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Just some cut pics of Christopher

Amazing Love

Shannon was showing off some moves she learned on the rings at gymnastics. She was doing it at home on the rings I installed on our swingset. Unfortunately, she lost her group while inverted and came down hard on her head, injuring her neck.

She was scared and could hardly breathe. Her mom and I tried to comfort her but she left us and found solace elsewhere.

Maybe she knew she would get empathy from the guy who fell headfirst on to steel cellar doors from his second story window on Easter.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Kissel Hill Open House
Aaron's desk - with an imaginary space future.
Leslie lifts the flap on Aaron's planet display.
Pretty kitties
Shannon and Mrs. Brill,
her kindergarten teacher.
Pointing to her ladybug.

It is a beautiful but windy spring day in Lititz.

Friends at Children's Church
Shannon printed this from the internet, colored it
and hung it in the basement to measure height.
She is so proud.