Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Grandparents, do you recall when your memory was this good?

Old Testament

New Testament

Sunday, October 25, 2009

"As an American I am not so shocked that Obama was given the Nobel Peace Prize without any accomplishments to his name, but that America gave him the White House based on the same credentials." - - Newt Gingrich

Fall Leaf Fun!

Annual Pumpkin Carving

Friday, October 16, 2009

I was having a deep discussion with my children on why Skeeter married Jill and not Violet in the movie Bedtime Stories. I said, "Men like women with depth, not just a pretty face." 
Christopher asked, "Why?" 
I was thinking, "Oh, boy.  First he asks someone to marry him and now he is going to date bimbos!"
Then he restated, "Why do men like women with death?" 

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Love is a great motivation.  Yesterday Christopher spent a lot of time composing a note.  He sounded out words, wrote letters down, asked Aaron and Shannon for help.  The note?  It read, "Kristen, I want to marry you.  Christopher."  The boy who usually forgets everything remembered to give it to her at school today. :)

 Today Christopher asked today if I would spike up his hair with jello. Hmm...because it was morning it took me a while to get that he wanted gel.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Shannon:  I want to be a shark! Then I would be rich.
Mom: Why?
Shannon: Because sharks lose their teeth all of the time!

Donut Day - Page 3

The final tally:

Dad - 7

Mom - 6

Aaron - 8

Shannon - 3-1/2

Chris - 4

Donut Day - Page 2 Aaron and Shannon each brought a lunch box to school with 3 donuts in it. Shannon had two halves left and Aaron had nothing.
Undaunted, the boys have a Donut snack mid-afternoon.
At dinner, Mom and Dad cave but the kids have more donuts!

Aaron was reporting to Leslie that he could eat donuts all day and never get tired of them. Leslie tried to tell him that he would get tired or sick if he tried it, but couldn't convince him with her words.
So, it was time for an experiment. And thus Donut Day was born.

The rules were simple. You could eat regular food and you could eat as many donuts as you wanted.

Friday, October 09, 2009

Christopher is learning to Read and Write. Here are some of his first words.You may have to enlarge this. It is his first story.

In case you can't make it out, it says, "Once upon a time in China, Dad and Mom." Dad is the little brown guy. Mom is in yellow. Christopher is green, wearing overalls. Most of the page is jibberish, at least to me.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Tonight I made some Greek meatballs for dinner. When Doug came home, Shannon told him we were having Greece meatballs. Imagine how that sounded! Actually, it was not far from the truth - they were deep-fried.