A personal page to allow friends and family access to our pictures, thoughts and events.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
A Lancaster County -ism:
We were playing Clue Jr., and Shannon asked, "Is Mrs. White a Mennonite?"
I was pushing Shannon and Christopher in the jogger on the way back from the park. I guess we picked up a lot of speed on the way down the hill, because Christopher threw his hands up as if he were on a Disney ride!
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Christopher's New Bed.
Christopher outgrew his toddler bed. Rather than buying a new one, I decided to build one a little more suited to his active lifestyle. What you see below is a 4 by 11 foot platform, suspended 5 feet off the ground. There is a ladder up the middle and an 8 foot slide coming down next to the ladder.
With the closet doors open and pillows agains the wall at the back of the closet, the kids make a pretty safe landing.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007
a first for the Morrisseys
Today was "transportation day" at Shannon's preschool. Lots of different kinds of transportation (canoes, a motorcyle, etc.) were parked outside for the children to explore. Well, I think Christopher thought the offerings were a little short and decided to invite a fire engine into the mix.
That's right - Christopher handily activated a fire alarm in the lobby while I was talking to a friend. The noise was deafening. It was about 15 minutes after classes had started, so all of the students (maybe 140 or so?) and their teachers had to file out of the building. The big yellow fire engine came. Two of the girls in Shannon's class could not be found, so about 6 official church guys with walkie talkies and me (feeling quite guilty) scoured the buildings looking for them, calling their names, as everyone else stood outside. After about fifteen minutes, we found the girls and led them out.
Then Christopher was summoned to have an official private talking-to with the fire chief. When the fire chief took one look at Christopher's scared, puppy-dog eyes, he could hardly keep a stern look on his face. Needless to say, Christopher was quite spooked by the whole operation and hopefully will never do anything of the sort again. :)
Pretend play turns contemporary:
Shannon was playing with a doll in the backseat of the car. She said, "Dora and her friends are playing with each other. Press play to begin the adventure! Press exit to do something else."
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
One day, Aaron declared his love for us in very Aaron ways. "Mom, I love you a billion times." "Oh yeah, well I love you a trillion times!" On and on he one-upped me. Finally he said, "But I love God a googolplex!"
When I asked Shannon what she wanted to eat today for lunch, she said "Girled cheese. Do you know why I like girled cheese? It has girls in it."
Labels: Morrissey witticisms