Saturday, April 29, 2006

One of our favorite things to do is dance in the living room. We jack up the volume and pump it out. Christopher is definitely a Morrissey. He's got the beat. I think you'll enjoy these shots. There is a neighbor kid in the photos. We didn't adopt another one.

Leslie even gets in on the action.


We had a special night last night. It was the opening game of the Lancaster Barnstormers season. We got skybox seats. There was a fireworks display afterwards, too. It was Aaron's first fireworks show. The noise usually bothers him, but we left him in the skybox and closed the sliding glass doors and he did fine. I don't have pictures of the event, but here is one of the after-effects of staying up so late. Christopher fell asleep in his room this afternoon on the floor.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

As you can see, the enter key is working again. Actually, I replaced the whole keyboard. It was only $25 online and "do-it-yourself." Amazing.

Make sure to visit one of my favorite sites, the home page of Dr. Walter Williams at George Mason University. He does a superb job of explaining economics to the lay reader (like me).

Here is a picture of Shannon with one of her friends. Leslie arranges play dates for the kids' friends to come over on a regular basis. Beside that is a photo of Aaron as some superhero (or super-villain -- I can't tell).

I have been spending a good part of the week purchasing and arranging for a new computer at work with a laser printer. This one is to house all my patient education and forms and scholarly articles. I think it will work much, much better to view the articles on the computer and print the forms and handouts as needed, than to use our current paper file system.
An EMR would do all these things, but it will still be a while before we get that up and running and I can't wait. Besides, if it works well it will be another selling point for getting an EMR.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

The "enter" key on our keyboard is broken, thanks to a coffee spill. So, this will be just one long paragraph.
The photo uploading seems to be working. Check out the kids enjoying their spoils today. In the other one, you can see the kids looking for eggs. It was just our kids this year. Usually we do something with the Schans. The Groffs were there, though, and we had a great meal. If you look at the picture again, you can see our crabapple tree in all its glory. Also, if you look under the swing, you can see where all my spare time and spare money went this month. Leslie wanted something under the swings to keep the kids from getting their shoes muddy. When all the options were considered, of course, she chose the playground-quality 2-1/2" thick recycled rubber tire safety mats. There are 120 square feet of them. I had a good time putting them in. It was a rare opportunity to use my DeWalt reciprocating saw (thanks, Dad). Go back to the picture again. You can see that the new neighbors have a Hummer. We are just getting to know them, so I can't tell you much about them except that they seem to like their cars alot. I wonder what they think of my 1990 Toyota Camry. I ordered the replacement keyboard for the laptop today and should be able to install it by Friday, so maybe the next entry will have paragraphs.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

What a week!

First, we travelled north to Williamsport to see our friends, the Schans. They have been our best friends in Lancaster for 7 years. They lived next door and our kids played together nearly every day. We surprised Kaylie for her 6th birthday. We are happy to see that they have a wonderful house and seem to really like their new situation. We plan to go back again this summer for a longer stay.

While there, we visited Reptilans, Caleb's favorite place in the whole world. We got to pet a boa constrictor, an alligator and almost a peacock. (They are pretty fast.)

On the way back from Williamsport, we picked up Doug's Dad, Ralph, at the airport. His luggage didn't arrive until 15 hours later, but other than that we had a lovely time. He was only with us 2-1/2 days but we packed a lot in.

We fixed up the grill with new wheels and side-trays. Then we put it to good use entertaining the Groffs with perfectly seared medium-rare T-Bone steaks. We also got a chance to hang out with some old friends, Senators Dole and Santorum. (OK, they are not old friends, but they seemed to like us when they met us.)

When Shannon found out that we were going to a special dinner, she asked if she could go. Dad and I explained that this was a political fundraiser and they expected everyone to give some money. She disappeared and Dad followed her only to find her emptying out her piggy bank. That girl will do anything to make it to a party!

(I had some really cool pics to put in here but blogger failed me again. Drat! I always thought Google was perfect, but I guess nothing is.)

Sunday, April 02, 2006

I haven't blogged in a while. I just checked out my friend Aaron's site and it is much better up-to-date.

I am going to try posting a picture of myself from Halloween here so I can use it to edit my profile. I am a little timid after last time.

It seems to have worked! Now I will upload a picture of my daughter's newly painted nails. I painted them today while my wife was sleeping. I hope she approves! I figured Shannon needed a little daddy time. I have been playing light sabers a lot with the boys and I think she is tired of being Princess Leia and pleading for us to rescue her.